I am so sorry to have neglected my blog! It has been since before Thanksgiving and I am going to do my best to sum the important food things up.
Turkey Talk
Well since I was not at home to fight for Turkey rights for me and my dad my Grandmother did the Turkey this year. I about had a heart attack when I realized all my ranting and raving about brining was for nothing and my grandmother simply resorted the the paper bag method. YIKES!!! haha no the Turkey was fine because despite her putting it in the oven half an hour early (this happens yearly) we took it out in time. I admit, it was not dry and it tasted fine.
HOWEVER! BRINE PEOPLE BRINE! It is CRUCIAL! It moistens the bird while changing the molecular components making your bird moist, juicy, and more flavorful. Basically full proof. The basic components of a brine is salt and water however people also add sugar and spices. I like to use things like juniper berries, garlic (whole head cut in half), onions, oranges, orange juice, lemons, lemon juice, bay leaves ect... Here are the links I sent my dad of the brines and Turkey recipes we were going to choose from in case yall are considering a Christmas Turkey:
Fix'ens and Other Stuff
I did end up making breakfast roll-ups, two pies and a Frosted Green Bean Salad (Houston Junior League Cook Book). The "roll-ups" are just what I am calling them I think I got the recipe from an Ina Garten show and I don't remember what she called them. They're basically phyllo dough sprinkled with brown sugar and pecans, rolled up, cut and baked. This was a perfect in-the-kitchen activity for me to do with my 2 yr old cousin. First I toasted the pecans, chopped them, rolled out and separated the phyllo sheets, brushed them with butter, and separated the pecans and brown sugar into bowls for her to sprinkle.

The two pies I made were a caramel banana pie that is my aunts mothers or aunts recipe and it is really good and really easy! All you do is make caramel or cajeta out of sweetened condensed milk (I tell you how on the first or second entry about Mexico), make- or buy- a pie crust, line the crust with sliced bananas (another great activity for kids) and fill in with caramel. Top with whipped cream and toasted pecans. It is DELISH! I also made a pumpkin pie with another can of caramel I made. It was a winner too.
Gearing Up For Christmas
So far Birdie and I have made ornaments for her Christmas tree, watched a lot of kids Christmas movies (thank you ABC Family! You really pull it out for the Holidays) and made a ginger bread house. I call it our Gingerbread catastrophe. It was fun once it was assembled but the assembly was not easy at all! Anywho here is our end result:
Christmas is around the corner and this weekend my mom and little sister are coming to Dallas to have breakfast with Santa so I will be blogging about that! I wont leave yall hanging like that again!